ptions">Configuration messed up?'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
\n"; echo ''; } function wp_cache_edit_max_time () { global $cache_max_time, $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce; if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_max_time']) && $valid_nonce) { $max_time = (int)$_REQUEST['wp_max_time']; if ($max_time > 0) { $cache_max_time = $max_time; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cache_max_time', "\$cache_max_time = $cache_max_time;", $wp_cache_config_file); } } echo '
'; echo ''; echo ""; echo '
'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
\n"; } function wp_cache_sanitize_value($text, & $array) { $text = wp_specialchars(strip_tags($text)); $array = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", chop($text)); $text = var_export($array, true); $text = preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', $text); return $text; } function wp_cache_edit_rejected_ua() { global $cache_rejected_user_agent, $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce; if (!function_exists('apache_request_headers')) return; if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_rejected_user_agent']) && $valid_nonce) { $text = wp_cache_sanitize_value($_REQUEST['wp_rejected_user_agent'], $cache_rejected_user_agent); wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cache_rejected_user_agent', "\$cache_rejected_user_agent = $text;", $wp_cache_config_file); } echo '
Rejected User Agents'; echo "

Strings in the HTTP 'User Agent' header that prevent WP-Cache from caching bot, spiders, and crawlers' requests. Note that cached files are still sent to these request if they already exists.

\n"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ' '; echo '
'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo '
'; echo "
\n"; } function wp_cache_edit_rejected() { global $cache_acceptable_files, $cache_rejected_uri, $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce; if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_rejected_uri']) && $valid_nonce) { $text = wp_cache_sanitize_value($_REQUEST['wp_rejected_uri'], $cache_rejected_uri); wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cache_rejected_uri', "\$cache_rejected_uri = $text;", $wp_cache_config_file); } echo "

Add here strings (not a filename) that forces a page not to be cached. For example, if your URLs include year and you dont want to cache last year posts, it's enough to specify the year, i.e. '/2004/'. WP-Cache will search if that string is part of the URI and if so, it will no cache that page.

\n"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ' '; echo '
'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
\n"; } function wp_cache_edit_accepted() { global $cache_acceptable_files, $cache_rejected_uri, $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce; if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_accepted_files']) && $valid_nonce) { $text = wp_cache_sanitize_value($_REQUEST['wp_accepted_files'], $cache_acceptable_files); wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cache_acceptable_files', "\$cache_acceptable_files = $text;", $wp_cache_config_file); } echo "

Add here those filenames that can be cached, even if they match one of the rejected substring specified above.

\n"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ' '; echo '
'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
\n"; } function wp_cache_enable() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $cache_enabled; if(get_settings('gzipcompression')) { echo "Error: GZIP compression is enabled, disable it if you want to enable wp-cache.

"; return false; } if( wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cache_enabled', '$cache_enabled = true;', $wp_cache_config_file) ) { $cache_enabled = true; } } function wp_cache_disable() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $cache_enabled; if (wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\$cache_enabled', '$cache_enabled = false;', $wp_cache_config_file)) { $cache_enabled = false; } } function wp_cache_is_enabled() { global $wp_cache_config_file; if(get_settings('gzipcompression')) { echo "Warning: GZIP compression is enabled in Wordpress, wp-cache will be bypassed until you disable gzip compression.
"; return false; } $lines = file($wp_cache_config_file); foreach($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^ *\$cache_enabled *= *true *;/', $line)) return true; } return false; } function wp_cache_replace_line($old, $new, $my_file) { if (!is_writable($my_file)) { echo "Error: file $my_file is not writeable.
\n"; return false; } $found = false; $lines = file($my_file); foreach($lines as $line) { if ( preg_match("/$old/", $line)) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found) { $fd = fopen($my_file, 'w'); foreach($lines as $line) { if ( !preg_match("/$old/", $line)) fputs($fd, $line); else { fputs($fd, "$new //Added by WP-Cache Manager\n"); } } fclose($fd); return true; } $fd = fopen($my_file, 'w'); $done = false; foreach($lines as $line) { if ( $done || !preg_match('/^define|\$|\?>/', $line)) fputs($fd, $line); else { fputs($fd, "$new //Added by WP-Cache Manager\n"); fputs($fd, $line); $done = true; } } fclose($fd); return true; /* copy($my_file, $my_file . "-prev"); rename($my_file . '-new', $my_file); */ } function wp_cache_verify_cache_dir() { global $cache_path; $dir = dirname($cache_path); if ( !file_exists($cache_path) ) { if ( !is_writable( $dir ) || !($dir = mkdir( $cache_path, 0777) ) ) { echo "Error: Your cache directory ($cache_path) did not exist and couldn't be created by the web server.
Check $dir permissions."; return false; } } if ( !is_writable($cache_path)) { echo "Error: Your cache directory ($cache_path) or $dir need to be writable for this plugin to work.
Double-check it."; return false; } if ( '/' != substr($cache_path, -1)) { $cache_path .= '/'; } return true; } function wp_cache_verify_config_file() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $wp_cache_config_file_sample; $new = false; $dir = dirname($wp_cache_config_file); if ( !is_writable($dir)) { echo "Error: wp-content directory ($dir) is not writable by the Web server.
Check its permissions."; return false; } if ( !file_exists($wp_cache_config_file) ) { if ( !file_exists($wp_cache_config_file_sample) ) { echo "Error: Sample WP-Cache config file ($wp_cache_config_file_sample) does not exist.
Verify you installation."; return false; } copy($wp_cache_config_file_sample, $wp_cache_config_file); $new = true; } if ( !is_writable($wp_cache_config_file)) { echo "Error: Your WP-Cache config file ($wp_cache_config_file) is not writable by the Web server.
Check its permissions."; return false; } require($wp_cache_config_file); return true; } function wp_cache_check_link() { global $wp_cache_link, $wp_cache_file; if ( basename(@readlink($wp_cache_link)) != basename($wp_cache_file)) { @unlink($wp_cache_link); if (!@symlink ($wp_cache_file, $wp_cache_link)) { echo "advanced-cache.php link does not exist
"; echo "Create it by executing:
ln -s $wp_cache_file $wp_cache_link
in your server
"; return false; } } return true; } function wp_cache_check_global_config() { $global = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php'; $lines = file($global); foreach($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^ *define *\( *\'WP_CACHE\' *, *true *\) *;/', $line)) { return true; } } $line = 'define(\'WP_CACHE\', true);'; if (!is_writable($global) || !wp_cache_replace_line('define *\( *\'WP_CACHE\'', $line, $global) ) { echo "Error: WP_CACHE is not enabled in your wp-config.php file and I couldn't modified it.
"; echo "Edit $global and add the following line:
define('WP_CACHE', true);
Otherwise, WP-Cache will not be executed by Wordpress core.
"; return false; } return true; } function wp_cache_files() { global $cache_path, $file_prefix, $cache_max_time, $valid_nonce; if ( '/' != substr($cache_path, -1)) { $cache_path .= '/'; } if ( $valid_nonce ) { if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_delete_cache'])) { wp_cache_clean_cache($file_prefix); } if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_delete_cache_file'])) { wp_cache_clean_cache($_REQUEST['wp_delete_cache_file']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_delete_expired'])) { wp_cache_clean_expired($file_prefix); } } if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_list_cache'])) { $list_files = true; $list_mess = "Update list"; } else $list_mess = "List files"; echo '
Cache contents'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
\n"; $count = 0; $expired = 0; $now = time(); if ( ($handle = opendir( $cache_path )) ) { if ($list_files) echo ""; while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ( preg_match("/^$file_prefix.*\.meta/", $file) ) { $this_expired = false; $content_file = preg_replace("/meta$/", "html", $file); $mtime = filemtime($cache_path.$file); if ( ! ($fsize = @filesize($cache_path.$content_file)) ) continue; // .meta does not exists $fsize = intval($fsize/1024); $age = $now - $mtime; if ( $age > $cache_max_time) { $expired++; $this_expired = true; } $count++; if ($list_files) { $meta = new CacheMeta; $meta = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_path . $file)); echo $flip ? '' : ''; $flip = !$flip; echo '"; if ($this_expired) echo ""; else echo ""; echo ""; echo '\n"; } } } closedir($handle); if ($list_files) echo "
'; echo $meta->uri . "$age secs$age secs$fsize KB
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
"; } echo "

$count cached pages

"; echo "

$expired expired pages

"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
\n"; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "
\n"; echo '
'; } function wp_cache_clean_cache($file_prefix) { global $cache_path; // If phase2 was compiled, use its function to avoid race-conditions if(function_exists('wp_cache_phase2_clean_cache')) return wp_cache_phase2_clean_cache($file_prefix); $expr = "/^$file_prefix/"; if ( ($handle = opendir( $cache_path )) ) { while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ( preg_match($expr, $file) ) { unlink($cache_path . $file); } } closedir($handle); } } function wp_cache_clean_expired($file_prefix) { global $cache_path, $cache_max_time; // If phase2 was compiled, use its function to avoid race-conditions if(function_exists('wp_cache_phase2_clean_expired')) return wp_cache_phase2_clean_expired($file_prefix); $expr = "/^$file_prefix/"; $now = time(); if ( ($handle = opendir( $cache_path )) ) { while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ( preg_match($expr, $file) && (filemtime($cache_path . $file) + $cache_max_time) <= $now) { unlink($cache_path . $file); } } closedir($handle); } } add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_cache_add_pages'); ?> $wpsc_version = 169; Potentially lethal causes of chest pain

Potentially lethal causes of chest pain

The differential diagnosis of potentially lethal causes of chest pain are:

  • Myocardial Ischemia – including Angina Pectoris, and Acute Myocardial Infarction
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Aortic Dissection
  • Pleurisy
  • Mediastinal Emphysema
  • Tension Pneumothorax
  • Acute Pericarditis

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